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East Orange And Newark Personal Injury Legal Blog

What are possible threats to tenants?

While you recognize the need to do what you can to stay safe in an apartment, your landlord bears the primary responsibility of keeping you safe from certain dangers while you are on the premises. Tenants can suffer injury or death from a variety of dangers and risks. A landlord should be aware of these hazards and deal with them…

How to photograph your slip-and-fall accident

Spilled water, damaged flooring, upturned rugs and other hazards are common in shopping centers around East Orange. Even if you are both diligent and careful, you may slip and injure yourself. Slip-and-fall accidents have the potential to be quite serious. In fact, head trauma, nerve damage, broken bones and other life-changing injuries are common during falls. If a shopkeeper’s negligence or intentional…

What is a duty of care?

Slipping and falling on the property of someone else can inflict a painful injury. You might need weeks to recover your health, and even then, you might feel emotional turmoil for a long time afterward. To establish that the property owner bore responsibility for your fall, your legal team will likely have to explain that the owner owed you a…

Poor driver choices linked to accident fatalities

Motor Vehicle Accidents From minor fender benders to serious and even fatal accidents, the response to crashes can vary greatly. Some people may immediately look for someone or something to blame, especially if they have experienced significant loss in the event. Other people may all but accept the event and even make statements like, “Sometimes accidents just happen.” The reality…

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

It is no secret that one of the most dangerous things Americans do every day is get behind the wheel of an automobile. It is almost a certainty that you will be in an auto accident at some point during your driving career.  However, there are certain steps you should take regardless if you end up in a minor fender-bender or…

What is the mental impact of a dog bite?

New Jersey dog owners must keep their dog under control. It is their responsibility. This means preventing their dog from biting other people. Unfortunately, dog bite attacks still happen. Today we will look beyond the physical injuries that occur during a bite attack. We instead look at the mental impact of these vicious incidents. After all, mental wounds take as…

What federal rules address trucker fatigue?

If you have ever wondered how a commercial truck driver manages to drive many long and lonely hours without getting tired, you are not alone. Driving any vehicle while tired may increase a person’s risk of having an accident either due to slowed reaction times, poor judgement or even having been completely asleep. When operating a big rig, drivers must…

Can I be sued if my dog bites an intruder?

Animals have few rights in New Jersey, but they do have some. If your dog has bitten someone, you may fear for the safety of your companion or the thickness of your wallet. The two of you may be not be legally at fault in certain circumstances. When it comes to dog bites, New Jersey law puts strict liability on the…